Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Some Enneagram 101 links

Hello, again, internet world (or, really, Queens College GSLIS 700 classmates).

I'm still trying to figure out what, exactly, I'm doing with this blog. I keep finding myself wanting to simply quote or paraphrase the Enneagram "experts" in a sort of "Enneagram 101" way, but that's pretty boring and uninspired. Instead, I'll give you a few more links so you can read relevant information at its source, and we'll go from there.

For a general overview of the Enneagram, try the description on Don Richard Riso & Russ Hudson's site: How the Enneagram System Works

For descriptions of all nine personality types, also from Riso & Hudson, try: The Enneagram Types

If you're intrigued, and you want to find out what your Enneagram personality type is, try one of these free tests:
The RHETI sampler
(stands for Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator, and it takes about 10 minutes)

(stands for Quick Enneagram Sorting Test, and it takes about 5 minutes)

If you are interested in figuring out your type, I highly recommend taking one of the tests (I find the RHETI to be more helpful), and then reading in depth about the top two or three types that the test reveals. In the end, only you can type yourself, and you'll just know in your gut when you're reading about the type that fits you best. Personally, I cringed and felt pretty embarrassed when I first read about both the Two and the One (in the end, I realized I was a One with Two-wing), just because so many of the issues/problems/neuroses were so spot-on. Not everything about your type will necessarily fit you perfectly, but in theory, there should be one type that does fit you best.

That's all for now. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.k. Myles - I am very intrigued and intend to get to the bottom of my personality traits a little later when I have time. This sounds so interesting. Thanks.